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My journal with a gingko leaf stem peaking out.

Every school year, the Presbyterian Church USA women’s organization publishes a Bible study. This year we are focusing on the Sabbath.

In short, the Sabbath is a time to connect with God. Traditionally we think of it as Sunday.

But I have to admit, Sabbath and Sunday do not go hand in hand for me. Yes, I go to church most Sundays. I stand up front with the choir. I sing. But do I feel that connection with God that makes the Sabbath special? Generally, no.

This shocked certain members of my study group. “But you’re at church!”

I do recognize the big room with the stained glass. Really. I know I’m in church.

But I have to be really relaxed to make that connection to God. I’m a hard-core introvert. Sometimes I can make that connection in church, but not always. Instead I’m often focused on the finding next piece of music. And what’s that clicking noise behind me? Is that hum from the sound system new?

I stand a much better chance of finding God when I’m out walking. I hear Him in the breeze. I see him in the leaves and snow. But does that count as Sabbath if I didn’t set out specifically to find God? What if I walk almost every day? Do I have to do something different for it to count as Sabbath?

I asked my minister’s opinion. Does he consider Sunday his Sabbath? If you pray every day, does that count or do you have to do something different on Sunday?

His response was simple. Don’t make it complicated. Find God where and when you find God. If you find him every day when you read scripture, good for you. If you make a connection on some days when you pray, excellent. Meditation? That’s good too. Music. Food ministry. Whatever works. It can be something you do every day. It can be something you do once a week.

Our study recommends that we keep a Sabbath Journal. We are supposed to record what we do each Sabbath. I’ve got the journal but I’m doing what my minister recommended. Don’t make it complicated. Whenever, wherever I feel a connection to God, I make a note. And when a leaf grabs my attention, I bring it home and add it to the pages.

Sabbath may be one day a week. It may be in quiet moments. Or it could be in the chaos of a busy kitchen. It is as unique as we are. Don’t make it complicated. Find it when and how you find it.



Have a Mary Little Christmas