Once again, I find myself teaching adult Sunday school.  I desperately want to succeed as a teacher and to me that means one thing.  I want to stir up a discussion.

Before class, I read the chapter we are covering. I read the lesson.  Then I read about how to teach it.  Sometimes I just don’t feel like I’ve gotten enough from these sources so I go online and look for other studies and discussions.  I’m not looking for answers as much as I’m looking for things that surprised me or contrasting perspectives.

Our study this time is on the book of Ephesians.  We’ve discussed predestination, glory and what it means to be Blessed through Christ.

The group ranges in age from 35 to 85.  We are accountants, engineers, gardeners, librarians and a writer.  It really surprises me when we all see something the same way but I like it best when we don’t because that is when I learn to look at something from another perspective.
